I want to first start this post by saying that I’m not a medical doctor. Please consult your doctor if you’re considering any of the following options. These tips were given by many previous brides and travellers as the most effective tricks that have worked for them.

If you’ve even gotten sick while travelling you know how awful it can be. Especially while starting a vacation, the last thing you want to deal with is not feeling well when you’re supposed to be relaxing and enjoying yourself the most.

This is especially true for your wedding trip. Not only are you on a vacation, but on your way to having one of the biggest days of your life. The thought of being surrounded by people in a small space like an airport and airplane has gotten you worried that you’ll catch something nasty before your big day. Here are 7 tips on how to avoid getting sick before your destination wedding.

Before Your Travel

Weeks leading up to travel

1. Probiotic

Unfortunately, it’s pretty common to have some stomach issues when travelling to a foreign location. You’re eating foods that may have different ingredients than your body is used to, and if you’re on vacation, you’re most likely drinking alcohol that won’t help your digestion either.

This is where a probiotic can be very effective. A probiotic contains microorganisms that help the growth of healthy bacteria in your body. By taking one every day for weeks leading up to your travel, you’re giving your body good bacteria and strengthening the digestive system so that your body is more ready to process those unfamiliar foods you might have during your trip.

2. Drink tons of water

This one may seem obvious, but it shouldn’t be underestimated. We all know the many, many benefits of drinking a lot of water, but it can be especially important when travel is near.

Just a few benefits of getting your fluids:

  • Improves energy levels
  • Clears toxins
  • Reduces constipation
  • Boosts skin health

Who doesn’t want more energy and clear skin when planning for a destination wedding?! Another big benefit of drinking water is to avoid inflammation. There’s nothing worse than getting too much sun the first day or 2 before your wedding and then your shoes don’t fit like they’re supposed to.

3. Elderberry supplement

Since elderberry is a natural supplement it can’t hurt to take a few weeks before your wedding for the following reasons:

  • Rich in nutrients
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Helps reduce inflammation

It can be the little extra boost your body needs to fight off any potential sickness before your destination wedding and keep that inflammation low if you get dehydrated.

A few days before you travel

These next two tips are very similar, so I’d probably only take one and not both. Again, since I’m not a doctor and am just going based off of other bride’s recommendations, I’d do what you think is best for you.

4. Zicam

 Zicam is designed to be taken at the earliest onset of cold symptoms. If you feel like you’re coming down with something or feel a cold coming along it’s supposed to be taken to shorten the length of the cold by providing your body with zinc, which helps boost the immune system.

5. Emergen-C

Similar to Zicam, EmergenC is recommended to be taken at the onset of cold symptoms. It’s packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants to give your immune system a boost to fight off your cold faster.

Some people will take either one of these even if they don’t have cold symptoms, just to give themselves the extra zinc or Vitamin C to fight something off if it were to come on.

During Travel

There are a couple things that can really come in handy during your actual travel time to help avoid getting sick before your destination wedding. Simple, easy to pack items can be a life saver from staying away from germs you definitely don’t want to have to worry about.

6. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes

Pack these 2 items in your personal item (purse or backpack). I recommend using the hand sanitizer any time after you go through security, any high traffic areas, eat, or go to the bathroom in the airport or airplane.

I also highly recommend disinfectant wipes. Any time I travel I immediately wipe everything down on and near my seat on the plane. Who knows who was sitting there before you and what they were carrying, and it’s just an extra step to avoid spreading germs. I love that I don’t feel gross touching the screens on the seats in front of me or the arm rests because I know I just killed whatever was ruminating on there before me.

7. Wear a mask

If you’re very paranoid about getting sick on the way to your wedding and don’t want to take any risks, consider wearing a mask in the airport and on the airplane. I know some people will feel self-conscious about this so it’s completely up to you. We see people wearing them all the time and it’s just another step in preventing spreading/accumulating germs.

Here’s one on Amazon that’s a cheap and somewhat stylish option:


The main goal with all of these tips is to help you avoid feeling anything but your best on your wedding day. I hope these tips on how to avoid getting sick before your destination wedding were helpful. Comment below if you have any other tips or feel free to contact me here.

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